Waldorf Salad


Waldorf Salad

There are innumerable variations of this classic Waldorf recipe. Here's a very popular version:



Chop the apples into half-inch cubes without peeling them and sprinkle with sugar, salt and lemon. Add the walnuts and celery and fold in the mayonnaise. Serve on a bed of the mixed green salad.

Popular variations include adding a little ground allspice to the sprinkling mixture, and adding a whipped cream topping.

Bulgur Salad

A substantial yet delicate salad ideal for picnics:



Mix the bulgur with the blended tomatoes, lemon juice and tomato puree. Leave for an hour or until the grain has absorbed the liquid and become tender. Add the oil, salt and chillies, mix well and set aside.

Just before serving fold in the onions and walnuts.